Monday, 5 November 2012


Want to effectively reduce your body/fat% to YOUR body's ideal range? The recommended healthy body fat % for women is around 21 to 24% and for men 14 to 17 %. Though the average for our population is 31+ for women and 25+ for men. Government recommendations do not account for the uniqueness of individuals, and their height, bone structure, their genes, etc, etc. So what might be completely necessary for your body may not always be what is recommended to you by your doctor or fitness instructor.

The percentage of essential fat is 3–5% in men, and 10-16% in women. Anything above this depends on your body, your needs, your fitness level, your diet, etc. At the beginning of my journey to good health, my body fat % was around 32%, even though I didn't appear to be overweight at all (which is often the case, fat cells can be snug around your organs), however after switching to a vegan, sugar, wheat and gluten free diet, and taking up some light exercise my body fat % dropped to 17% and fast.

My switch in diet and lifestyle was very drastic, and I was and still learning as I go. Much of my personal changes come through trial and era, and my diet improved once I began to fully understand the intake of calories, dietary needs, optimal intake of nutrients, and most importantly how to balance the body's pH. After adjusting and stabilising my diet to my needs my body's fat % has gone up to 19% (mostly from increasing my intake of healthy fats, nuts and fruits) which is ideal for my current fitness level. As my fitness goes up, my body fat % will go down.

"The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 0 the most acidic, and 14 the most alkaline. The pH of stomach acid is 1, wine is 3.5, water is 7 (neutral), venous blood is 7.35, arterial blood is 7.4, sea water is 8.5, and baking soda is 12. Ideally, our pH should stay on the alkaline side: between 7.35 and 7.45". Any solutions below 7.0 are considered acidic and above 7.0 is considered alkaline.

PLEASE NOTE* Acidic does not mean unhealthy, in fact some of the most healthy, nutritious foods are acidic. Also, acidic doesn't mean the taste and texture of a food, is simply means how the food reacts in the body. For example: a lemon may be "acidic", but it's effect in the body is very alkalising.

The ideal ratio for health and fitness should be an intake of 4 parts alkaline 1 part acidic. This is given that you do regular exercise, as acidity in the body goes up with exercise, if your lifestyle is not physically demanding you could have a smaller ratio of alkaline foods.

So here, in learning to balance your body's pH, you learn to achieve your ideal body fat percentage. Often people that exercise regularly, and eat a considerably clean diet still have a hard time reducing their body fat %, and this can be almost completely narrowed down to your body's pH.

For detailed information and a list of acidic and alkaline foods, both healthy and unhealthy, I highly recommend the following link to read:

Xx Samara.

Monday, 15 October 2012

How to Cure Your Headaches Naturally

Everyone is affected by headaches from time to time, some more frequent then others. Some people suffer from them daily.

It's important to find the reason to the cause of your headache, and this is something to discuss with your doctor and dietitian. It is important to rule out any serious illnesses that may be the cause.

However, many people suffer from headaches will no known cause.

Here are some simple tips to help you reduce headaches in your life:

1) Make sure you are getting enough of the B group of vitamins. These are often found in protein rich foods. Increasing your intake of vitamin B6 and niacin are particularly effective.

2) Make sure you are getting enough vegetable-based calcium and magnesium in your diet. Try to eat Kale at least every second day.

3) Lavender essential oil is a mild oil. Try massaging a few drops into the temples and the base of your neck.

4) Take a relaxing bath with dim lights. Add a few drops of ylang ylang or chamomile oil. These can be added to an oil carrier to dilute them, such as sweet almond oil.

5) Eat a small piece of fresh ginger root, or try drinking some ground ginger powder in some cool water.

6) For tension headaches- you can try mild teas such as peppermint, spearmint, chamomile, rose hip, meadowsweet or lemon balm.

7) Exercise is important for many reasons. Doing regular light to moderate exercise can help reduce headaches as well as stress that is associated with tension headaches. Make sure to keep well hydrated by drinking water when you exercise.

8) Rule out possible food allergies. Even mild food allergies are a leading source of headaches.

9) Avoid meat and dairy products. Animal products contain animal hormones which interfere with our natural hormonal production. Hormonal imbalance is a leading cause of headaches and migraines. Increase your intake of vegetables that assist with healthy hormone production.

10) An adult should drink at least 2 litres of water per day. It is believed that around 75% of the population is dehydrated to some degree. When the body is dehydrated it can suffer many side effects; including headaches. Studies have shown that the glass of water you drink with your panadol can be just as effective in treating your headache.

11) If your headache is accompanied by dizziness you can try sipping on water with added fresh lime or lemon juice. Fresh ginger, cinnamon and peppermint may also help. Vitamins B2 and B3 are also effective with reducing dizziness symptoms.

12) Don't skip meals. Snack on raw fruits and vegetables throughout the day. This will help your energy levels as well as stop your blood sugar levels from crashing- another common cause of headaches.

13) If you suffer from headaches on a regular basis try completely avoiding wheat and gluten products for a few weeks and anticipate improvement.

14) Practise relaxation, such as yoga, meditation, or a mild martial arts.

15) Get your daily dose of vitamin D from the sun!

Xx Samara

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Watermelon Detox Smoothie

This smoothie is designed to provide you with some of the most important and powerful antioxidants in nature, as well as helping the body detox from potentially harmful toxins, cleanse and renew, providing your body with essential nutrients for good, long-lasting health!

2 cups of chopped watermelon
1 cup of white grapes
1/2 a cup of chopped pineapple
1 tablespoon of fresh grated Ginger, or fresh organic Ginger paste
1-2 cups of Coconut water (or pure spring water)

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

Simple to prepare, and great for the body, this has a fresh, sweet taste, with a little added zing from the Ginger - Delicious!!!

Xx Samara

The Wonders of Watermelon

Aside from being absolutely delicious, watermelon has some amazing health benefits, and is full of some of the most important antioxidants found in nature.

Watermelons contain essential nutrients that can improve circulation by relaxing the blood vessels. The citrulline found in watermelon converts to argunine, which is an amino acid that benefits the heart and circulatory system. Argunine is also used in the urea cycle to remove ammonia and other toxins from the body.

The antioxidants found in watermelon has been shown to effectively reduce the severity of asthma, and also to reduce the risks of developing cancer. They can also reduce the risks of developing many cancers, heart disease, arthritis and stroke. The powerful antioxidants in watermelon travel through the entire body, neutralising free radicals (substances that can cause damage to the body, cells and blood). When the watermelon flesh is dark red, it's antioxidants and nutritional value are particularly potent.

Studies have shown that the high amounts of lycopene found in watermelon has an effect on the carotid artery's thickness and protects the LDL (good cholesterol) from oxidation, significantly preventing cardiovascular disease. In fact, consuming watermelon juice increases far more lycopene than tomato juice does. In fact, watermelon contains higher amounts of lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable.
Watermelon promotes a healthy blood pressure, and works well lowering blood pressure, especially of those who are obese, or those who suffer from hypertension or pre-hypertension. This research shows that watermelon extract reduced arterial pressure, and could be used even supplementary for those who seek a more natural approach to treating hypertension.

Watermelon is completely fat free, but it aids in energy production. It is rich in the B  vitamins which are all necessary for good health and energy production. Food experts say that because of its high water content and calorie value, it is ranked more valuable than other fruits. It hydrates the body as it is made up of 90% water, is nutrient-dense, and has a wonderful cooling affect on the body.

Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C and a great source of vitamin A, particularly through its concentration of beta-carotene. It is rich in electrolytes and potassium that the body loses through perspiration, so it is very beneficial before, during and after physically demanding exercise or work.

1/2 a cup of diced watermelon contains only 25 calories and 6 grams of carbs, with no fat and no sodium, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Giving your body the right foods can provide overall protection from all diseases and illnesses.

If that's not enough to make you want to eat more watermelon, then I don't know what is!! :-)
Xx Samara

- Nutrition and Heart Disease: Causation and Prevention; Ronald Ross Watson and Victor R. Preedy
- American Journal of Hypertension: Watermelon Extract Supplementation Reduces Blood Pressure and Carotid Augmentation Index in Obese Adults With Prehypertension or Hypertension.
- CDC - Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

Friday, 5 October 2012

How To Treat Fibroids Naturally

It is believed that over 75% may develop Fibroids in their lifetime. Many women may have them without any symptoms, while others can suffers symptoms that can increasingly impact their quality of life.

So what are fibroids?

Fibroids are small, noncancerous growths, or tumours, that grow on the walls of the uterus. They can potentially cause severe pain, excessive bleeding, and can even lead to infertility. The cause of fibroids is not fully known or understood, however, they have been linked to Oestrogen. Doctors can prescribe drugs that suppress oestrogen in order to treat fibroid. There are other hormone releasing drugs that are said to possibly shrink fibroids by around 30 to 90 percent by forcing the ovaries to stop making oestrogen. The only medically guaranteed way to completely get rid of fibroids is to have a surgical procedure called a hysterectomy, where the uterus is completely removed from the body. While all this, hormonal drugs and surgical procedures have risks and negative effects of there own. It is possible to reduce the symptoms and even potentially remove the growth of fibroids by naturally cleansing and balancing the body, as well as regulating hormonal production.

What foods can you eat to help treat fibroids and lessen the symptoms they cause?

1) Fibre - The most efficient tool you can give your body to combat fibroids is to eat a high-fibre diet of plant-based foods. Apples, Nuts and Seeds are all great natural sources of fibre. Grounding nuts and seeds will help with the digestion of them as well as making  their goodness more easily absorbed. Eating a plant-based diet that is high in fibre will significantly reduce the circulating levels of oestrogen.

2) Phytoestrogens - The plant based diet is also important because plant foods contain a substance called phytoestrogens, or plant oestrogens. These substances bind themselves to the same cell receptors as oestrogen. The blocks oestrogen's ability to affect your cells. Too much oestrogen can cause the uterus to grow in size, increasing the chances of fibroid growth. As the excess oestrogen is blocked with the help of the phytoestrogens in plant-based foods, the uterus can begin to shrink, as well as working to shrink the fibroids.

What should you foods to avoid?

Both sugar and caffeine interfere with the body's natural hormone production system and wire the brain in a certain way that routine hormonal regulations and productions are interrupted. Try to remove or extremely limit your intake of any products containing sugar and caffeine if you wish to successfully treat fibroid growth. Saturated fats have a similar effect and should also be completely avoided.

Dairy products and meat products will increase the development and symptoms of fibroids for two reasons - 1) Animals contain hormones of their own, and much of this is stored in their muscles, fats, blood and milk production. By eating this, you are also eating their hormones. Hormonal imbalance is a leading cause of many illnesses and diseases in humans, and consuming substances that interfere with our natural hormonal health with inevitably impact our health in many ways. Dairy products and non-organic meats are even more damaging as they most often are contaminated with hormonal drugs and pesticides as well as their own hormones. 2) All animal products naturally create mucus in the human body, weakening the immune system, affecting the quality and purity of the blood and therefore cell tissue, and also increasing the chances of abnormal growths in the body. For these reasons animal dairy and meat products should be completely avoid or limited as much as possible.

Here are some of the highest fibre foods:
Berries - Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, etc.
Dried Fruits - Figs, Raisins, Apricots, Dates, etc.
Linseed/Flax seeds
Chia Seeds
Brussels sprouts
Chick Peas
Greens - collards, kale, turnip greens
Legumes - Lentils, Kidney beans
Peas - black-eyed peas, green peas
Sweet Potatoes

All of these foods are not only high in fibre, but each have many health benefits and healing properties of their own. With the inclusion of a wide variety of plant foods and the exclusion of processed, sugary, or caffeinated foods, along with the exclusion of limitation of animal products, the quality of life and health significantly improves.

Remember to drink plenty of water, at least 8 cups a day. Fibre absorbs water in the body, so when increasing fibre in your diet, increase your water intake also. If you do not drink enough water you can become dehydrated and suffer from constipation.

Other great foods that aid in healing:

Turmeric Root
Ginger Root
Cilantro and Coriander seeds
Fresh wheat grass (not sprouted)
Coconut and Coconut oil
These foods all have a variety of benefits and work wonders in the human body!

Here's two recipes perfect for the treatment of Fibroids:

Breakfast Smoothie
3 bananas chopped
4 dates, pitted and chopped
3-5 sliced of natural tin Peaches
2 tablespoons of milled linseed
1 tablespoon of ground chia seeds
2 fresh Kale leaves
1 tablespoon of natural bush honey (or natural organic honey)
1 teaspoon of ground Cinnamon (not cinnamon sugar)
Pure, organic Rice Milk
Blend in blender and add rice milk until you desired texture is achieved.

Afternoon Juice:
2 Beetroots
4 Carrots
2-4 Kale leaves
2 Green Apples
1 full stick of Celery
1 lemon
1 portion of Turmeric Root
1 portion of Ginger Root
Juice through a juicer.
It is best to drink this juice mixture while still fresh and all the healing enzymes are still alive and active - within 15-20 minutes.

Xx Samara.

Additional sources:

Book: "Fibroids: The Complete Guide to Taking Charge of Your Physical, Emotional and Sexual Well-Being" by Johanna Skilling and Eileen Hoffman; 2006

Book: "What Your Doctors May Not Tell You About Premenopause;" John R. Lee, Jesse Hanley and Virginia Hopkins; Hachette Digital, Inc; 1999


Thursday, 4 October 2012

The function of the Kidneys - Foods for Kidney Health and Chronic Kidney Disease

Looking after your kidneys is extremely important. It is possible to live with only one kidney, some people being born with only one can still live normal, healthy lives. However, if both kidneys fail then life itself fails. The kidneys are working, every minute, 24 hours, 7 days a week. They sort out recyclable waste from non-recyclable waste, clean the blood, and help remove toxins from the body.

To sum it up: The kidneys act as filters for your body to clean blood of wastes, yet retain essential elements needed by the body they keep the proper balance of salts and acids in the body, and produce hormones and enzymes which help to:
# Control your blood pressure
# Help to keep your internal water balance
# Make red blood cells and help maintain your blood composition and pH levels
# Maintain strong and healthy bones and help to keep mineral balance

of the waste is produced by the body as it processes the food you eat. What you eat is the leading factor to how well your kidneys function and how efficient they are at doing their job. Consuming highly processed, sugary foods or drinks, chemically enhanced and modified foods, alcohol, medications or drugs, or any other substances that don't support health in the body, the kidneys are worked under constant pressure, and aren't able to make up for the over-load of toxins that the body receives. This can lead to all sorts of complications in the kidneys, as well as other organs, hormonal productions, and the blood.

Potentially kidney problems can develop into Kidney disease.

What is Chronic Kidney Disease?
If you lose over 1/3 of your kidney function for over 3 months, it is called Chronic Kidney Disease or CKD. Sometimes kidney disease leads to kidney failure, which requires dialysis or a kidney transplant to keep you alive. Early detection and treatment can help prevent kidney failure and the need for dialysis or transplant treatment.
If you are diagnosed with CKD, this means that your kidneys have been damaged and are not working as well as they should normally. Kidney disease is called a ‘silent disease’ as there are often no warnings.
# It is not uncommon for people to lose up to 90% of their kidney function before getting any symptoms.

# People can live a near normal life with as little as 20 percent of their total kidney function.

# When symptoms do occur the initial signs may be general, such as feeling tired or generalised itching.

# As kidney disease progresses, symptoms can include changes in the urine (reduced volume, discolouration, blood or pus), nausea and vomiting and appetite loss.

# Other symptoms include swollen or numb hands and feet (because of water retention), weakness and lethargy, darkened skin and muscle cramps.

About 50 people a day die of a kidney related disease.

Here are some foods that are great for people living with Kidney Disease, or even people that want to improve their kidney health:

1) Red Bell Peppers: are an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as vitamin B6, folic acid and fibre. Red bell peppers are good for you because they contain lycopene, an antioxidant that protects against certain cancers.

2) Cabbage: s packed full of phytochemicals, chemical compounds in fruit or vegetables that break up free radicals before they can do damage. Many phytochemicals are also known to protect against and fight cancer, as well as foster cardiovascular health. Sulforaphane, a phytochemical in cruciferous vegetables, may prevent or stop cancer cell growth in lung, colon, breast, bladder, prostate and ovarian cancers. High in vitamin K, vitamin C and fibre, cabbage is also a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid.

3) Cauliflower: is high in vitamin C and a good source of folate and fibre, packed full of indoles, glucosinolates and thiocyanates- compounds that help the liver neutralise toxic substances that could damage cell membranes and DNA.

4) Garlic: helps prevent plaque from forming on your teeth, lowers cholesterol, reduces inflammation, and promotes a healthy immune system.

5) Onions: are rich in flavonoids, especially quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that works to reduce heart disease and protects against many cancers. Onions are a good source of chromium, a mineral that helps with carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.

6) Apples: have been known to reduce cholesterol, prevent constipation, protect against heart disease and reduce the risk of cancer. They are also high in fibre and anti-inflammatory compounds.

7) Cranberries: are known to protect against bladder infections by preventing bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. In a similar way, cranberries also protect the stomach from ulcer-causing bacteria and protect the lining of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, promoting GI health. Cranberries have also been shown to protect against cancer and heart disease.

8) Blueberries: are high in antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins, which give them their blue colour, and they are bursting with natural compounds that reduce inflammation. Blueberries are a good source of vitamin C; manganese, a compound that keeps your bones healthy; and fibre, and may also help protect the brain from some of the effects of aging. Antioxidants in blueberries and other berries have been shown to help slow bone breakdown in those low in oestrogen.

9) Raspberries: contain a phytonutrient called ellagic acid which helps neutralise free radicals in the body to prevent cell damage. They also contain flavonoids called anthocyanins, antioxidants which give them their red colour. An excellent source of manganese, vitamin C, fibre and folate, a B vitamin, raspberries may have properties that inhibit cancer cell growth and tumour formation.

10) Strawberries: are rich in two types of phenols: anthocyanins and ellagitannins. Anthocyananins are what give strawberries their red colour and are powerful antioxidants that help protect body cell structures and prevent oxidative damage. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese and a very good source of fibre. They are known to provide heart protection, as well as anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory components.

11) Cherries: have been shown to reduce inflammation when eaten daily. They are also packed with antioxidants and phytochemicals that protect the heart

12) Red Grapes: contain several flavonoids that give them their reddish colour. Flavonoids help protect against heart disease by preventing oxidation and reducing the formation of blood clots. Resveratrol, a flavonoid found in grapes, may also stimulate production of nitric oxide which helps relax muscle cells in the blood vessels to increase blood flow. These flavonoids also provide protection against cancer and prevent inflammation.

13) Olive Oil: is a great source of oleic acid, an anti-inflammatory fatty acid. The monounsaturated fat in olive oil protects against oxidation. Olive oil is rich in ployphenols and antioxidant compounds that prevent inflammation and oxidation.


Additional Sources:

Monday, 1 October 2012

5 Simple Tips to Losing Weight and Getting In Shape

The most effective way to lose weight or increase your fitness and strength is to develop a routine that 1) fits in with your lifestyle, 2) is maintainable, and 3) suits your personality.

Here are 5 simple tips to help you lose weight and get into shape:

1) MANAGEMENT - It is important to develop and maintain a routine that works with your lifestyle because you want to make exercise a regular thing, not just something that happens on the spare of the moment or one your day off, or once a week, or when you can fit extra funds in your budget. Create stability in your goals and make the time for good, regular physical activity AT LEAST 3 times per week, or more depending on what your fitness goals are. Keep it simple and be prepared to change your routine if it doesn't work or if your circumstances change. REMEMBER: You don't want to get in shape just because it's nice weather for a walk, or because summer is coming up, or because you are going overseas next month. You want to get fit so you can feel healthy, happy and proud of yourself, long-term, for the rest of your life! Get a writing pad, write down your goals, the reason for your goals, your plans, things that motivate and inspire you. Get a diary and fill in all your daily activities, then work around this to achieve an exercise plan that is realistic and convenient for you.

2) MIX IT UP - by planning for different training on different days, for example: Toning Tuesdays- do weights and exercises that strengthen; Fun Fridays - do something that you enjoy such a dance class, martial arts, or a gym class with a group of friends; Swimming Saturdays - whether you have a pool or use you local pool, do laps or join a water aerobics class; Slimming Sundays, walking, jogging, running, cycling, fast-paced cardio, anything that gets the blood pumping and the calories burning. By putting variation into your workout routine, not only are you preventing things from becoming boring or repetitive, but you are also allowing your body to recover and adjust, and also building a long-term routine that you can keep.

3) SHORT AND SWEET - If your fitness level is not so good, or you are a busy person with not much time on your hands, or both, it IS OKAY if your workout isn't too lengthy. In fact, having regular short periods of exercise throughout the day will help you increase your fitness levels faster, lose weight faster and also will allow you to recover quicker. A group of studies have shown that if you work out for 15 minutes 4 times a day, you can lose weight quicker than someone that workouts for 1 hour once a day. This is mainly due to the frequency of exercise increasing the metabolism and therefore increasing the calories that you burn throughout the day. Any exercise is good! Doing 5 sit ups is still better than doing none. Make the time for yourself even if your time is limited. An excuse is a choice to fail. Remember why you want to do this!

4) BE KIND TO YOURSELF - Don't set unrealistic goals. Losing weight and getting fit takes time. Your body is amazing, however you can't expect it to completely empty out all fat and fill with lean muscle over night. The most important things is doing NOT planning. Work on your routine and stick to it. Re-evaluate in 4 to 6 months time. Eat healthy foods, and look after your body. If you do have a treat, unhealthy snack or a binge all is not lost. You can work it off! So many people give up their goals to get healthy and fit often because they gave in to cravings or skipped a week of exercise. But this is okay, you are only human. As long as you are moving forward you are doing good. If this happens to you on your journey just think, you may have eaten a slice of cake or had a lazy weekend, or worse! But you have also been working your butt off and that's what matters! :-)

5) WRITE IT DOWN - This is a really useful tool to weight loss and fitness and it's so simple! And it's FREE! Once you have decided on your personal goals, get started on them right away!

For example: Say you want to start getting out of bed early, eat 3 healthy meals and two healthy snacks per day, drink 1-2 litres of water, get to bed at an earlier hour, write it all down as a schedule. Wake up: ....AM. BREAKFAST:...... MORNING EXERCISE: 50 sit ups + 30 minute walk. MORNING SNACK:.... LUNCH:... AFTERNOON EXERCISE: 30 minutes of cycling, weights, or gym class.. AFTERNOON SNACK:... DINNER:... CUPS OF WATER: 8. Stick this sheet of paper on the fridge.

THEN, compare this daily by writing everything down as you go; EXAMPLE: out of bed at: 7:30AM (needs improvement) BREAKFAST: bowl of muesli, piece of fruit. (getting better) MORNING TEA: Coffee and toast (needs improvement) EXERCISE: 30 minute walk, 30 minutes of yoga (impressive) LUNCH: big garden salad and fresh juice (pat self on the back, good work!) AFTERNOON EXERCISE: none (poor go.. Try again tomorrow) AFTERNOON SNACK: Apple and hand of cashews. (good) DINNER: Steamed veggies with brown rice (great!) CUPS OF WATER: 4 (need to increase).. List any extra exercise, extra calories consumed, notes, Then stick this on the fridge beside your goal sheet and compare. Leaving the extra comments to yourself with help you to keep optimistic, laugh it off, and improve each day. This one really worked for me for the first few weeks of journey to health and fitness. The added attention of it being on the household fridge increased my drive to have only good things to write out and made me feel even prouder when I reached my goals.

Keep at it and enjoy the new you! You WILL get to where you want to be! Just remember that even baby steps will get you there eventually, the only thing that won't is standing still. Keep moving forward. Xx

Thursday, 27 September 2012

The Amazing Wonders of Parsley

Parsley to me was formerly known as a herb used to garnish meals, making them look more appealing, but often the only part of a meal left on the plate. I have always enjoyed the taste of it in small amounts but never really been too fussed about going out of my way to eat it.

Over time, and after developing severe anaemia, I discovered a few of it's benefits such as Iron which I desperately needed to get more of into my diet. Recently I have found out some incredibly amazing health benefits that can be gained from eating parsley and I was so astonished at how impressive this fuzzy little green plant is, that I wanted to share it with you all!

Parsley is super rich in Vitamins A and C, in fact just two tablespoons of parsley contain around 12% of the RDA (Recommended Daily Intake) of vitamin A and 16% of the RDA of vitamin C. Vitamin C is necessary for collagen, the main structural protein found in connective tissue. This essential nutrient will not only accelerate the body's ability to repair wounds, but also maintain healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin A fortifies the entry points into the human body, such as mucous
membranes, the lining of the eyes, and respiratory, urinary and intestinal tracts. Moreover, lymphocytes, or white blood cells, rely on vitamin A to fight infection in the body.

Parsley contains an antioxidant arsenal that includes luteolin, a flavoniod that searches out an eradicates free radicals in the body that cause oxidative stress to cells, also promotes carbohydrate metabolism and serves the body as an anti-inflammatory.

Two tablespoons of parsley have a whopping 153% of the RDA of vitamin K, which is necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin, a protein that strengthens the composition of our bones. Vitamin K also prevents calcium build-up in our tissue that can lead to atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Homocysteine, an amino acid that occurs in the body, threatens the body's blood vessels when its levels become too high. Folate (vitamin B9) found in parsley helps convert homocysteine into harmless molecules, helping ward off cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis.

Parsley is Anti-Cancer. Studies show that myristicin, a compound found in the essential oil of parsley, not only inhibits tumor formation (especially in the lungs), but also activates the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase, which helps the molecule glutathione attach to, and fight against, oxidized molecules. Myristicin can also neutralize carcinogens like benzopyrene in cigarette smoke that can pass through the body, consequently fighting against cancer especially that of the colon and prostate.

So there you have 5 GREAT reasons to add or increase your consumption of Parsley!

Parsley can easily be added to a stir-fry, a juice or a smoothie, soups or salads, and the more you eat it the more you will crave and enjoy it! :-)

Xx Samara

Sunday, 16 September 2012

KNOW YOUR MILK: 4 Great Foods That Contain More Calcium Than Milk

Many people believe that Cow's Milk is a good source of calcium and therefore that it is good for you. However this is not the case.

Cow's milk is produced to feed baby cows, just like goat's milk is for baby goats, cats milk is for kittens, etc, Human breast milk is for baby humans....


- Not even grown cows will drink cow's milk, as it is not properly digestible to them.

- The hormones is cow's milk are not tolerable to the human body and can cause numerous health problems, hormonal imbalances, and auto-immune attacks on the body which leads to intolerance's, food allergies and a weakened immune system.

- Animal fat in milk is particularly damaging to the arteries which can lead to many severe health problems later in life.

- Pasteurised milk is particularly harmful as it is very hard to digest due to the food enzymes are destroyed through the heating process.

- Although milk is high in calcium, not much of its calcium is actually obtainable by the human body.

- Cow's milk and dairy products in general are a leading cause of high cholesterol

That are much higher than milk.

1) Almonds - 1 cup of almonds contains around 378mg of calcium, whereas 1 cup of whole milk contains around 276mg of calcium. The added health benefits of Almonds are; a leading source of vitamin E, high in fibre, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, protein and iron. They also contain phytochemicals (plant chemical compounds that are shown to support great prevention and protection from chronic illnesses such as heart disease and stoke. PLUS eating almonds has the same effect as the cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins (but in a natural, lasting way).

2) Rhubarb - Drained and cooked, contains around 348mg of calcium. Rhubarb is also high in fibre, making it great for the digestive system, high in vitamin C and promotes a healthy immune system.

3) Sesame Seeds - Contain approximately 1404mg of calcium per cup, which makes them a great way to get extra calcium into your diet as they are perfect for sprinkling over salads, or adding to a stir-fry or soup. They are also a great source of antioxidants, vitamin and minerals, fibre, and cancer-preventing properties, and have been used since ancient times as a traditional medicine.

4) Green Collards - such as spinach, kale, leafy green vegetables, and broccoli - are all some of the absolute best sources of calcium, as well as being high in iron and vitamin C - a perfect combination for absorption, full of soluble fibre, and multiple other nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties. They are anti-viral and support a healthy, strong immune system. Green, leafy vegetables ideally should take up the most part of your daily food intake for optimum health. :-)
Xx Samara

Beating the Sweet Cravings

Once you have developed a love for sweets or sugary things, it can be a hard habit to break.
For me the transition was easy because when I crave something 'sugary' I know that my body needs energy so I have some sweet fruit instead. This leaves me feeling good, rather than feeling bad about myself for eating crap. Plus a massive bonus is skipping the sugar crash at the end of a sugar treat, as fruit's natural sugars release more flowing and naturally.

However, it is inevitable that you are going to want a treat every now and then, and this is OK! You deserve one!

I like to invent treats that I can reward my kiddies with, without punishing their bodies.

This is a little something that I came up with a few weeks ago, and it took me literally 5 minutes to make. I baked them for a further 10 minutes to make them golden brown. So here you have a treat prepared in around 15 minutes and you can make as many as you want! They can be stored in containers and kept in the fridge for about 3 days.

Ingredients -
- Sliced almonds (without skin)
- Almond meal
- Organic coconut cream (you can substitute the coconut cream with water, coconut water, almond milk or rice milk)
- Shredded coconut
- Natural organic maple syrup (you can substitute this with natural honey)

Method -
- Combine Almond meal with a little coconut cream (or preferred option) and the maple syrup (or honey) until you achieve a dough-like consistency.
- Mix shredded coconut and sliced almonds through the "dough" and roll into tiny balls
- I rolled the balls through a small amount of honey and then through coconut to achieve the above picture.
- Bake on high for 10 minutes or until golden brown.

TIP- I used mini cupcake papers and a mini cupcake tray to hold into place.

This is a treat that the whole family can enjoy and it is actually good for your body!

Variations -
Try mixing it up buy using different ingredients such as chopped walnuts or pecans, natural cocoa bean powder, or natural vanilla bean powder (NOT vanilla bean sugar).

Stay tuned for "Ice Cream" recipes that go great with this!

Quick health facts about this snack:

1) 1 cup of almonds contains much more calcium than 1 cup of cows milk and is much better for your health.

2) REAL maple syrup contains manganese and zinc which are natural antioxidants that are good for your immune system, the male reproductive system and help to prevent damage to the heart. It is also 3x sweeter than cane sugar, making it a great sweetener.

3) Coconut is very rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals - making it highly nutritious! It is great for cleansing the body, both inside and out!

Xx Samara


STUFFED ZUCCHINIS with a baked cauliflower mash, topped with tomato relish, accompanied with fresh salad.

- Cut one large zucchini in half, and hollow out with a blunt knife or spoon.
- Combine chopped tomato, mushroom, green capsicum, red onion and crushed garlic with the remaining chopped zucchini filling.
- Lightly saute in extra virgin olive oil
- Place filling into zucchinis and sprinkle the tops with almond meal.
- Bake in oven at 180 degrees for 15-25 minutes until cooked and slightly golden.

- Steam cauliflower until cooked and mash with a little sea salt and almond or rice milk.
- Brush with olive oil and bake for a few minutes until outside is crisp, golden brown.

In a fry pan, combine diced tomato, green and red capsicum, pine nuts and saute in olive oil.
Add sea salt and pepper to taste.

- I make this often as a substitute for tomato sauce, and the ingredients vary - sometimes I add a fresh herb that I have available, such as coriander, thyme, basil, parsley, garlic, or onion.

- Shredded Iceberg lettuce
- Baby spinach leaves
- Cubes of tomato
- Green capsicum sticks
- Cucumber
- Avocado
- Drizzle with lime or olive oil
- Top with fresh field mushrooms

Xx Samara

Saturday, 15 September 2012


Everybody wants to be able to enjoy comfort food every now and then, so I like to invent ways for my family and I to be able to do this without exposing ourselves to harmful ingredients.

This recipe was a real hit at my house!


- Organic crisp 'chips' made from brown rice flour, poppy seeds, water and sea salt.
- ground turmeric to sprinkle on chips
- Kidney beans
- Coriander
- Parsley
- Garlic
- Red Onion
- Tomatoes
- Red Capsicum
- Sea Salt
- Ground Black Pepper
optional, garnish with a little fresh parsley

- Crisp chips under grill or in oven for 5-15 minutes, until warm and crisp.
- Place all salsa ingredients in a blender except the kidney beans, blend until there is a smooth salsa like consistency.
- In a pan, combine the cooked kidney beans with the salsa mixture and stir until heated to your desired preference.

- Most supermarkets have chips or crackers readily available that are wheat, gluten, dairy, egg and sugar free if you don't have time to make your own. ORGRAN is a great Australian brand that sells many products like this.

 ORGRAN also have spiral pasta available that consists of only 3 ingredients - Brown rice flour 99% and Spinach and Beetroot 1%. I highly recommend it as a healthy alternative to pasta, this way you never have to go back to wheat products but can still enjoy some comfort food every now and then, because let's face it - everyone loves pasta!
Xx Samara

If Wheat is Bad, Why is it Promoted in the Food Industry?

If wheat is really bad for you, then why is it in most of what we would buy in a supermarket?

The fact that wheat does so much more harm than good to the body could arise many questions as to why the food leaders and the government would produce and dispute it into our communities for a “food source”.

Here are a few reasons:

1. Wheat is a multi-billion dollar industry

2. It creates jobs

3. It accumulates money into the economy

4. It is full of opioid peptides which makes it highly addictive, increases consumption

5. And can be modified and packed with artificial ingredients to make it taste really good

6. And sceptics may not so much agree with this one but – Honestly it also creates so many little 'insignificant' health problems (as well as significant ones) that it also helps the medical industry, such as doctors, Medicare and pharmacies to thrive.

I know it doesn't sound like a fair thing to say but most people would agree that the government can be really poor at making good decisions for us when money is involved.

There is so much evidence out there to be obtained, but yet most people are completely unaware about the ways they are putting themselves at risk and potentially over time, letting themselves deteriorate by consuming wheat.

There is so much media, advertisement and propaganda to promote the sales of wheat that it can cause many people to struggle in making the right decisions when it comes to purchasing and eating food, but try cutting it out of your diet, even for just a few weeks, and notice the amazing differences in yourself, body and mind.

It's common knowledge that the supermarket is full of items that are bad for your health. So next time you visit, try sticking to the fresh food isles and enjoy how much better you feel!

I promise to get some creative recipes up in the meantime. :-)

Xx Samara

Friday, 14 September 2012

The Truth About GMOs

I've stumble across this useful resource and I would like to share it with you all. This book is a real eye-opener!

By Beth H. Harrison, PhD

GMO Quick Facts:
  • No crops on the market today are genetically engineered to increase crop yield, resist drought, or reduce chemical fertiliser use. They haven't helped third world countries, they aren't feeding the world, and they haven't lowered food prices at all.
  • GE food has never been proven safe for human consumption; scientists have no idea what it will do to people who eat it. There is a significant body of scientific evidence that has proven serious human health risks associated with it.
  • As far as U.S. regulatory agencies are concerned, if a biotech company says its products are safe, that is enough for approval.
  • Genetically engineered food is not labeled in the United States. At the same time, more than 40 countries have either banned GE food outright or have laws requiring the labeling of it—giving citizens in those countries the freedom to choose not to eat it.

Source -

Protect yourself and choose GMO and MSG free products.

Xx Samara
Picture source:

Why Wheat and Gluten are Bad for Your Health

Most people don't know that all grains, including grains that don't contain gluten - like oats and corn, are actually bad for you because they contain stomach irritating lectins and mineral binding phytates. Gluten containing grains and wheat not only cause the same problems as other grains, but their impacts are much worse.

Most people are only aware that wheat is harmful to those who suffer from Celiac Disease, which is an auto-immune disease caused by a reaction of the immune system against gliadin (a protein in gluten), but it is evidential that gluten can affect everyone, only that Celiac's react more severely.

The three biggest concerns about wheat are;
1) Gluten is a compound that composes around 80% of the protein found in wheat, rye and barley
2) Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) is a lectin found in wheat that can be particularly damaging.
3) Opioid peptides are psychoactive chemicals and those is wheat are similar to those found in other well known psychoactive drugs such as morphine, heroine or opium. In fact, it's these same opioid peptides found in these drugs and wheat that make them so addictive. So when you are "craving" that piece of cake or toast, or bowl of pasta your brain is actually having withdrawals from these harmful chemicals.


- Causes abdominal inflammation in at least 80 percent of the population

- A further 30 percent pf the population develop antibodies against gluten proteins in the stomach

- Almost the whole population has the genetic potential to develop antibodies against gluten.

- Antibodies reacting is the stomach is a prevention to serious damage elsewhere in the body - when it doesn't react right away, gluten proteins can enter the bloodstream more easily and trigger immune reactions in other parts of the body, such as the thyroids or brain.

- Gliadin is the main protein in gluten to cause problems in the body, and its structure can be similar to other proteins found in the tissues of organs such as the thyroid or the pancreas. Antibodies against gliadin can eventually end up attacking those organs and ultimately cause auto-immune disorders such as hypothyroidism or type 1 diabetes.

- The inflammation in the stomach from gluten causes intestinal cells to die prematurely and causes oxidation on those cells. Basically, this creates a leaky intestine which can allow bacterial proteins and other toxic compounds to get into the bloodstream, which can also lead to auto-immune attacks on the body.

- When the stomach secretions are leaky it also means that food is not digested properly and nutrients can not be absorbed fully, which can lead to nutrition deficiencies.

- Antibodies against gluten proteins have also been shown to attack heart tissues, and cause heart disease.

- Gluten has been strongly associated with cancer. Especially those who suffer from Celiac Disease have more potentially to develop cancers of the stomach and bowel. However, the risk is there for all people who eat wheat, not just Celiac's sufferers.

WGA - Wheat Germ Agglutinin

- WGA, like gluten, irritates the intestines and causes premature cell death, leading to the same symptoms as mentions above.

- WGA disrupts the mucus membrane in the stomach, which can lead to a bacterial overgrowth and lead to a number of digestive issues such as ulcers or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

- The lectins (sugar binding proteins) can often end up circulating in the body and the brain, where it can cause leptin resistance (leptin is a protein hormone that plays a key role in regulating energy intake and expenditure, including appetite and metabolism), and can also cause similar effects to insulin. This is two leading promoter of obesity as both leptin and insulin are the two most important hormones used to properly regulate and maintain a normal weight and energy balance.

- WGA also causes vitamin D stores to deplete abnormally fast and can therefore lead to vitamin D deficiency and its accompanying issues such as weakening of the bones, a weak immune system and venerability to infectious diseases and bacterial attacks.

Opioid Peptides

- Are found in wheat, and are known to cause addictions which leads to withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, shakes, weakness, vomiting, depressed feelings, etc.

- They have also been associated with Autism and Schizophrenia. Both Autism and Schizophrenia sufferers often see their symptoms reduce tremendously when they remove wheat from their diet.

- There has been many studies conducted, evidential reports and, in fact tests available to show the neurological defects that can come about from being exposed to gluten peptides. Typically, if someone had an intolerance to gluten, ranging from mild to severe, one of the body's defence mechanisms is to produce antibodies against the proteins which it reacting with (as mentioned above), causing an inability to digest wheat, rye and barely. The undigested peptides can be detected in a urinary sample, which would then contain urinary peptides, or incompletely broken down pieces of protein. The undigested peptides from gluten can then react with opiate receptors in the brain, thus mimicking the effects of opiate drugs such as heroine and morphine. These compounds, called neuropeptides have been shown to react with areas of the brain's temporal lobes, which are involved in speech and auditory integration. Neuropeptides also decrease the ability to feel pain, and effect cognitive function.

- Oipioid peptides are associated with many gastrointestinal, neurological, and neuro-developmental disorders.

Summary - Even though most people can indulge in these foods without seeing any negative consequences, the damage may be still developing and up until any given day you may not suffer symptoms but the likelihood of illness developing later in life grows with the consumption of wheat.

When it comes to things that humans are not adapted to eat and digest, wheat and gluten are somewhere around the top of the list.

In my opinion and in the opinion of many others who strive for optimum health, wheat should be completely avoided.

Xx Samara

It's Easy Being Green!

....I know Kermit the Frog always says that it's not easy to be green... But really it is!

Now that green and leafy vegetables make up 50-70% of my daily intake of goodness (and by goodness I mean food) I feel vibrant and energetic throughout my whole day! In fact, my days are a whole lot easier and far more enjoyable to get through.

There is no better way then to start your day with greens! They will give you plenty of nutrients and energy to go and go and GO! Plus every single calorie is full of goodness!

Typically when I first wake up I drink a litre of water to rehydrate from my sleep, I do some Yoga, and then I make a fresh green juice for breakfast. So I thought it would be nice to share this juice recipe that I like to make in the morning to kick-start my day:


4 Kale Leaves
2 Lemons
4 Green Apples
A handful of fresh Cilantro (Corriander)
Half a handful of parsley
2 Celery sticks
1 small Cucumber
*And optional is 1 Orange to sweeten the taste.
This makes around 2 Litres in my juicer, so you can half the ingredients if you wish to make less quantity.

It's surprising how quickly you will start to enjoy the flavours and actually crave them! I have two daughters who are just under 2 years and 4 years old, and they both wake up in the morning and ask me to make them this juice, they guzzle it down and want more!

Enjoy! :-)

Xx Samara

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Why I Started this Blog

Hello to everyone who has found this blog, and thank you!

I hope for you to find information that helps you think twice, and opens your mind to a new, positive understanding of food and life.

The purpose of my blog is to give inspiration and advice to people of all ages, sizes, personalities, and genders. I hope to deliver new ideas and ways of thinking in fun, educational, creative, truthful, and non-judgemental ways.

I am a self-taught health, nutrition, and life lover and explorer. I believe in balancing your physical and mental state to know yourself on a higher and more fulfilling level, and therefore getting the highest potential of enjoyment and purpose out of life.

Through discovering the journey to optimum health, building a loving relationship between yourself and food, and learning to open the mind to new ideas and new challenges, the opportunities are endless.

I encourage people to take control of their own lives and don't settle for less then the best. Your future is in your hands and you can decide where yours will take you!

Basically I support real food, and I believe that a healthy balanced diet is essential to enjoy life, and free your body and mind from pain and illnesses, both physical and mental. A healthy balanced diet to me consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and spice, nuts, and legumes and plenty of water! It is best when our food source is plant-based and eaten raw for at least 70-80% of meals for optimum health. Keep following my blog posts to find out why!

Although I try to eat as much of my food raw as I can, I do also enjoy cooking so I will share recipes that are both raw and cooked, all which are healthy - wheat free, gluten free, egg free, dairy free, meat free, free from animal derivatives, vegan, and most of all, delicious!!!

I will also share information to support reasons and understanding as to why these types of 'foods' such as wheat, gluten, dairy, meat, etc, cause damage to the human body.

Lastly, the main purpose of this blog is to give educated information free of charge, because I believe that everyone deserves a bright and healthy future. Without the knowledge, people keep doing what they have always done. It can be hard to let go of ideas about health and food that are enforced into us from a very early age, especially when they come from people that want the best for us - our parents, grandparents, teachers, family and friends. But just remember that much of their ideas, although always taught with good intention, comes from media and propaganda. It is up to us to educate ourselves and our children so that we can enjoy life as it should be!

You can start to reverse any health problems in your body, and it can happen fast! I have noticed that drugs and medications usually always reduce symptoms from illnesses and disorders, but they rarely erase them, and more then often they come with a range of symptoms of their own. But you would be surprised at how much and how quickly eating the right foods can not only change your whole outlook on how you think and feel, but can reduce illnesses and disorders in the body and mind effectively, long-term and short-term, for efficient healing that lasts.

I've suffered anaemia that I could not shake, no matter how much iron supplements or red meat I guzzled down, it lead to an auto-immune disorder 'pernicious' anaemia. With my stomach at its most sensitive I also developed a gluten intolerance that lead to a lactose intolerance and an auto-immune disease "Celiac's disease" - then these lead to other complications that I suffered such as digestive problems, low blood count, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, low blood pressure, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, lethargy, lack of motivation, anxiety, and the list could go on. I was determined to find a natural way to cure myself from these burdens and after trial and era, recently I discovered the answer. So simply and surely I have been able to turn my life around with just food!! Now I want to share it!

So, if you want positive change in your life, are open to learning and trying new things, or just want a little bit of extra guidance, inspiration or motivation on your journey to optimum health, then this is the place for you! :-)

Xx Samara

DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical physician and I cannot offer medical advice online. I recommend always consulting your doctor, physician or naturopath before trying a new diet, cleanse or detox program.