Many people believe that Cow's Milk is a good source of calcium and therefore that it is good for you. However this is not the case.
Cow's milk is produced to feed baby cows, just like goat's milk is for baby goats, cats milk is for kittens, etc, Human breast milk is for baby humans....
- Not even grown cows will drink cow's milk, as it is not properly digestible to them.
- The hormones is cow's milk are not tolerable to the human body and can cause numerous health problems, hormonal imbalances, and auto-immune attacks on the body which leads to intolerance's, food allergies and a weakened immune system.
- Animal fat in milk is particularly damaging to the arteries which can lead to many severe health problems later in life.
- Pasteurised milk is particularly harmful as it is very hard to digest due to the food enzymes are destroyed through the heating process.
- Although milk is high in calcium, not much of its calcium is actually obtainable by the human body.
- Cow's milk and dairy products in general are a leading cause of high cholesterol
That are much higher than milk.
1) Almonds - 1 cup of almonds contains around 378mg of calcium, whereas 1 cup of whole milk contains around 276mg of calcium. The added health benefits of Almonds are; a leading source of vitamin E, high in fibre, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, protein and iron. They also contain phytochemicals (plant chemical compounds that are shown to support great prevention and protection from chronic illnesses such as heart disease and stoke. PLUS eating almonds has the same effect as the cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins (but in a natural, lasting way).
2) Rhubarb - Drained and cooked, contains around 348mg of calcium. Rhubarb is also high in fibre, making it great for the digestive system, high in vitamin C and promotes a healthy immune system.
3) Sesame Seeds - Contain approximately 1404mg of calcium per cup, which makes them a great way to get extra calcium into your diet as they are perfect for sprinkling over salads, or adding to a stir-fry or soup. They are also a great source of antioxidants, vitamin and minerals, fibre, and cancer-preventing properties, and have been used since ancient times as a traditional medicine.
4) Green Collards - such as spinach, kale, leafy green vegetables, and broccoli - are all some of the absolute best sources of calcium, as well as being high in iron and vitamin C - a perfect combination for absorption, full of soluble fibre, and multiple other nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties. They are anti-viral and support a healthy, strong immune system. Green, leafy vegetables ideally should take up the most part of your daily food intake for optimum health. :-)
Xx Samara
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